Written by: Renata Meredith
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a personality typology that helps people make sense of the world, but most importantly it helps people to understand themselves. Ennea comes from the Greek word "nine" and Grammos, means "figure or diagram". The symbol of the Enneagram is a circle surrounded by nine numbers which corresponds to nine different personality types.
We all have specific patterns in the way we think, behave and feel. Many times we do not have a clue why we are wired to think or feel in a certain way. The Enneagram is certainly helpful in shedding light into our blind spots, as well as conscious behaviors.
How is the Enneagram different than other personality assessments, such as MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) The Enneagram, in contrast to other personality assessments, gives you a path for growth rather than just information about yourself. When equipped with that information, you can start generating change. While your personality can assist you in being highly successful and driven, it can also hold you back in ways that you do not see. Too much of something can become a liability. The Enneagram gives you a full description of human functioning, not only cognitively (such is the case of MBTI) but also on the level of emotional intelligence. The Enneagram will go beyond giving you insight and awareness about yourself and others. If applied properly, it goes deeper than superficial behavior. It has the ability to tell you why you do what you do. (motivations and fears).
No personality assessment is 100% accurate because as human beings, we are complex and very intricate. But the Enneagram can help you understand the motivations and fears that drive people to behave in certain ways. What motivates an over-achiever to work non-stop? What drives helpers to be constantly on the look out for people who need and want them? Why are perfectionists unable to relax and let go? Again, the Enneagram does not have all the answers, but it is very insightful in terms of helping you understand your co-worker who cannot stop competing with you. Or it can help you understand why some people are peacemakers or conflict avoidants.
In the next few weeks, we will start looking at each personality type to have an overview of their motivations and fears. These posts do not intend to be comprehensive. The Enneagram is very faceted, with wings and subtypes. Hopefully, this basic introduction can generate some curiosity in you that will drive you to do a more thorough research on the Enneagram.